Five years in and we're still focused on moisturizing and nourishing your skin.
If you've been following RPB for awhile or even if you're new to our brand, one thing you can't miss is that we make products that promise to moisturize your skin.
That's the simple part. And then again, that's really all that we will ever claim to do.
We know that taking care of your and your loved ones' skin is important to you. Each and every product is made with nourishing ingredients in small batches with the end goal of soft skin. And though you can find many claims made about the wonderful benefits of ingredients sourced from plants and nature, RPB will never make claims that would deem our products to be classified as drugs.
We love our customers and receive wonderful testimonials on how our products have helped your skin –– Thank You! When we receive questions from you related to medically-related skin conditions, we will always choose our words carefully to educate and encourage you to try products that will help alleviate the dry skin that is often a side effect from many medical issues. We are super careful to never use words that indicate our products will heal or treat any conditions. Using those words and making those promises would immediately classify our products as drugs and not cosmetics.
But here is what we will promise you:
We will only source the best ingredients, many of which are products of organic farming.
Less is more. A little goes a long way and all our products are wonderful multitaskers!
We love making products that can be enjoyed by the whole family (babies are the exception as less is more and unscented options are best for the wee ones).
We will always list the entire ingredient label for our products on our website so that you can make an informed choice before you purchase our products.*
We promise to never stop learning -- the more we know, the better understanding we have of what your skin needs.
This is not an easy conversation for us. We are determined to stay the course and only make claims that we can stand behind 100 percent. This is only the beginning of an important dialogue with all of you that is much needed and I hope you'll stick around to join us.
Now on to the FUN news. Sweet Pumpkin Body Polish is here! I can't wait for you to try it!
Thank you for being the best customers ever!! We appreciate you.
Wishing you a safe and wonderful weekend!
*exceptions may be made for our scent ingredients (due to limited space on the label) and we may ultimately group those into the term *fragrance (parfum). We may also occasionally use the word fragrance for limited edition scents.
This information first appeared in our bi-weekly newsletter.
Every couple of weeks, our newsletter is delivered to your inbox and include wonderful DIY beauty and natural living recipes, occasional giveaways, peeks inside our production area, news from Rachel's Plan Bee and so much more.
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